
Dr. Sandra Maduke

Dr. Sandra S. Tai graduated with the Prime Minister Gold Medal from the University of Malaya in 1986. She received her graduate training in Orthodontics at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA and graduated with a Certificate in Orthodontics and a Master of Science degree in 1990. Dr Sandra Tai is currently a practicing specialist in Orthodontics, with two practices in Richmond and in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Sandra Tai has been an Invisalign certified orthodontist since 2000 and is currently an Invisalign Elite Provider. She is also Clinical Assistant Professor in Orthodontics at the University of British Columbia and lectures both at the Faculty of Dentistry and to dental study clubs in the Vancouver area. Dr Tai is also a featured speaker at dental meetings and has lectured in universities in Asia. She is a Fellow of the College of Dental Surgeons of British Columbia and a Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists, Canada. Professional affiliations include memberships in the Canadian Association of Orthodontists, American Association of Orthodontists and International Dental Federation. She is also the founding member and past president of the Orthodontic Ties Study Club in Vancouver, BC. Dr. David Yong Tai and Dr. Sandra S. Tai together offer a unique and comprehensive approach towards interdisciplinary treatment planning, management and treatment sequencing of complex restorative cases.

Maduke Bulat Orthodontists

(604) 591-8621